Wednesday, March 20, 2013

10 Things I Loved About Forged by Fate by Amalia Dillin

I met Amalia on Twitter (@AmaliaTd if you are interested) a while ago and we've had fun singing Disney songs and making random hashtag conversations and sharing Thor love. So when I heard that her book was going to be published I was so ecstatic for her. I knew that she was going to be writing about Norse mythology, but the tag-line on the cover of the gorgeous book initially gave me a little pause.

It wasn't that it didn't look interesting or intriguing. It's just that I'm always a little nervous when someone writes a book adapting stories from the Bible.

Behold! Gorgeous cover!
However, I loved the book so much. So here are my top 10 favorite things about Forged by Fate.

  1. The way Amalia weaves together her transformation of the Biblical creation story along with Norse, Egyptian, and Greek mythology (to name a few).
  2. Thor. I loved his place in the story and I am dying to see how it plays out in the next book!
  3. Eve. Definitely Eve. Strong, compassionate, humble, and the mother of everything.
  4. Mia! Amalia and I met through the lovely and hyper Mia Hayson so seeing Eve's sister named Mia gave me all kinds of happiness. Also Mia the character cracks me up.
  5. The multiple story lines. I really like how it rotated between present day, creation, and the progression of time as seen by Thor. It moved the story line along well and helped to pull all of the threads together in a very unique way.
  6. Garritt. I loved his passion for protecting Eve. And of course that leads me to
  7. Reu. And the whole story of the tribe of the Lions. So cool.
  8. The lions! I want a pack of lions to follow me around and protect me!
  9. Ra and Athena. Though they were only minor characters they just popped on the page. Nothing flat about these characters!
  10. The ending! It left me wanting more without being too horrible of a cliffhanger. Nothing was resolved, but it didn't leave me angry like a lot of books that end quite openly.
So hopefully you are a little bit intrigued about this story and will go buy it and read it yourself! I say you won't be disappointed at all :)

1 comment:

Mia Hayson said...

Ahhh. A brilliant list!! Glad you loved Forged by Fate!

I am surprised how many people picked up on the Mia thing! It's beyond awesome, however.

Very happy for Amalia! Ahhhhhh. Okay, this comment has become BEYOND disjointed and all kinds of weird so I am just going to end it around abouuuut here.
