Sunday, June 30, 2013
Sundays with Neubie the Truebie (Episode 62 "The Sun")
Happy Sunday fellow Truebies! What did you all think of last week's episode? More of our questions were answered but bigger questions formed in their wake.
Jason learned that his mysterious driver was not crazy vampire Warlow but his fae grandfather, Niall. Niall gave Jason a paternal lecture about the dangers of hitchhiking and blabbing family secrets to anyone with an ear as the duo headed back to Sookie's house. Niall checked out the portal where Warlow appeared to Sookie and returned with a dismal report for the Stackhouse siblings, that Warlow has entered their world already.
As is that wasn't enough drama on Sookie's plate she discovered a mysterious injured man in the woods by her home. Sookie soon discovers that his name is Ben and he is a telepath like herself and half fae. She invited the sexy stranger home with her where he could recover. Ben is gorgeous and the two had chemistry but it seemed a little too good to be true. I'm betting Ben is either an evil faery or a fae cousin.
Back at Fangtasia, Eric discovered that the government's weapons against vampires have become horrifyingly advanced. Eric retrieved a UV light emitting bullet from Tara. For some reason Nora doesn't understand why the government is suddenly anti-vampire meanwhile, her work in the Authority is what caused a lot of the anti-vampire sentiment. Apparently Eric's sibling is as dumb as Sookie's.
Eric is determined to get the Louisianna senator to back down on his anti-vampire stance and attempted to glamour him into doing so. Unfortunately for Eric, he discovered that the government has also developed contacts that are glamour proof and he found himself in a tight spot before literally flying off to safety.
Sam is determined to move forward and return to business as usual by returning to work at Merlotte's while Lafayette baby-sits for Emma. A group of young people come in looking for a good meal.
Of course, nothing is ever simple in Bon Temps and a young woman from the group soon cornered Sam in the back room and tried to convince him to "come out" as a shifter to help other shifters and weres and support their pro-shifter cause. Sam declined their offer. Unfortunately for him, this group doesn't seem the type to back down and seems to have ulterior motives. After a long day at work, Sam returned home to relieve Lafayette and tuck Emma into bed. However, Alcide has apparently gone mad, as he showed up with his girlfriend and Emma's grandmother to bring Emma "home" with them. Despite Emma's pleas and a full on fight between the wolves and shifters, Alcide wrangled Emma away and Sam and Lafayette found themselves losers in the fight as the wolves hauled Emma off. The girl from earlier and her shifter friends were in the adjacent woods the whole time filming the incident.
With everything going on no one had time to check in or Jessica and Bill or perhaps everyone else was to freaked out by Bill's new state to help. Jessica caught Bill in the middle of his vision he was having about Lilith and other vampire creatures like Lilith who all needed a shower and a wax. Anyway, long story short, Lilith told Bill that he must save their kind. Bill also had visions of other vampires being attacked by humans. Poor Jessica had no idea what was happening and just saw poor Bill in a catatonic state with a bad case of the bleeds. Thinking Bill was just hungry, she called for a human blood donor and was disgusted when Bill fed of and killed the donor through telekinesis. Finally, after Lilith's declaration that Bill save their kind, he came to. Jessica was relieved but the duo was soon concerned when they realized that Bill's visions of vampires being attacked were actually premonitions as they saw the same events unfolding on the evening news.
It was another action packed hour this past week. Other than Niall there isn't a single plot point here from the books so I don't know where this season is going. Regardless, I am really enjoying this season. I hope that Bill is still around despite the crazy visions and new powers. If we have to look at Lilith anymore this season, I hope she gets a loincloth or perhaps Bill could encourage her to visit a waxer.
What do you guys think of this season? Please share!!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Laydown Lowdown
The summer heat is finally here. I couldn't be happier, I love soaking it up and relaxing with a good book. Fortunately, there are lots of new books to choose from this week.
If you're looking to heat things up even more, check out new Romances from best-selling authors such as Diana Palmer with "Protector," or Lisa Jackson with "Tell Me." Other new genre releases include "Naked," by Megan Hart, "A Hero to Come Home To," by Marilyn Pappano, "An English Bride in Scotland," by Lynsay Sands, and "All Out of Love," by Lori Wilde.
If you're looking to cool down, perhaps pick a bone-chilling Mystery/Thriller like "Blood Tango," by Annamaria Alfieri, "Lethal Treasure," (Jodie Prescott Antiques #8) by Jane K. Cleland, "Green Eyed Lady," by Chuck Greaves, and "Key Death," (the 4th "Nicholas Colt novel) by Jude Hardin. Fern Michaels apparently loves to keep her readers in suspense as "Gotcha," the 26th "Sisterhood" novel won't be released until June 26.
Maybe you'd like to escape this atmosphere altogether by choosing from one of this week's new Science Fiction/Fantasy titles. "The Keepers of the Library," by Glenn Cooper, "Lost Souls," by Delilah Devlin, "Cold Steel," by Kate Elliot, "The Armies of Heaven," by Jane Kindred, and "The Goliath Stone," all invade bookstores today.
Or if you're stuck in summer school or missing school already, head on over to the Young Adult section for "After Daybreak," by J.A. London or "Ink" by Amanda Sun and look for the paperback releases of "Execution: Escape from Furnace #5," by Alexander Gordon Smith, and "Blackwatch," by Jenna Burton Shaw.
Will any of these books make your Summer reading list? Share with us! Tell us what you're reading. Remember to support your local bookstores whenever possible.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Sundays with Neubie the Truebie (Episode 61, "Who Are You, Really?")
Good afternoon fellow truebies. What did you guys think of last week's premiere? Did it exceed or meet your expectations? There was a lot I liked and little that I didn't like. Some of our questions were answered, while some questions just got bigger.
Of course the biggest dilemma is what to with Bill. For one, we discovered along with the rest of the gang that Bill appears to have survived drinking the blood of Lillith. In fact, he is stronger than ever. He survived a walk through fire and a staking! Sookie, Eric, and Nora are convinced that Bill did die and that his form is just a type of apparition for Lillith.
While Bill/Billith was enraged when he ran from after Sookie, Eric, and Nora from the Authority headquarters, he let the trio escape with Jason, Tara, Pam, and Jessica. Sookie mourned what she believed to be the death of Bill and the rise of Lilith in his form. With the exception of Jessica, the other vampires didn't mourn his loss but feared what he has become. However, Jessica stayed true to her maker and decided to stay with him after he called her home. When Bill made a lunge for Eric, it was Sookie who staked Bill and everyone was shocked when he survived. Jessica then stood up for Bill and ordered them all to leave there property. Afterwards, once Eric had taken Sookie home, he signed her house back over to her and she revoked his invitation into her home, longing to be the innocent girl she once was.
I don't know what to think, Bill certainly seemed like his old self when he tucked Jessica into bed like a good dad and asked for her help for him to remain himself while discovering and adapting to his new powers. His memories have also clearly remained intact as proven when he shared a memory of his human life as a soldier with Jessica. I believe that Bill still is the gentlemanly vampire we know and love but that he needs to fight the savage Lilith that is like a demon inside him.
Jessica shares her thoughts on Bill and her new responsibility in her latest blog post...
All this drama with makes me long for the simpler version of him that is depicted in the books, a gentlemanly vampire who spends all his time compiling a vampire encyclopedia on his computer.
Despite all this drama, Tara and Pam found a moment to be alone. Pam was trying to hide her upset over Eric not telling her about his sister Nora. Tara tried to comfort her and the ladies had a spat but ultimately took comfort in each other. Unfortunately there moment of peace doesn't last long as they are soon threatened at Fangtasia.
Elsewhere in Bon Temps, Andy deals with what to me is a living hell. His moment of recklessness with a faerie left him with 4 half fae babies to care for. Arlene and and Terry do their best to help him adjust to his new life as a dad but they are all horrified when the babies grow into toddlers just days later. I don't believe this has been revealed on the show but you can throw people and things up into a faerie portal where they'd be sucked back into the fae world. If I were Andy, I'd take that crazy mob of kids and find the nearest faerie portal.
Sam also a huge new responsibility. After shifting into Steve Newlin to help free her daugther, Luna died in the aftermath, and told Sam he had to care for her daughter. Sam and the girl ran to Merlotte's for safety and shelter.
Over in the Shreveport area, Alcide was being "sworn in" as packmaster in the traditional werewolf ceremony. As seen in the books, when one rises up to packmaster he must have sex with another female of the pack in attempt to re-populate the pack with full-blood weres. This female who is selected for this honor among the pack is not always the new packmaster's wife or girlfriend. Alcide is given a beautiful member of the pack to follow-through on this tradition with and it is not his equally beautiful girlfriend. Alcide runs off to the woods with the were and his girlfriend follows. Only his girlfriend isn't jealous and the trio quickly get into some um-wild activities.
I almost forgot about Jason! True to form, he made the boneheaded decision to hitchhike home after things in the SUV with the vampire and his sister got too crazy for his comfort. Jason took a ride with the first car that stopped, without hesitation and proceeded to tell the man driving the whole sad story of his sister, and the vampire Warlow that he blamed for his parent's deaths. The driver then told Jason that he knows all about Warlow and Jason jumped to the conclusion that the driver was Warlow as the show cut to black.
Now, while I think Jason would get what he deserved if he did get into a car with Warlow, I highly doubt that he is Warlow. There is someone else who knows everything about the Stackhouse siblings and that is there faerie great-great grandfather Niall. I bet my stash of True Blood beverages that this man will be revealed to be Niall.
And if everyone didn't have enough to deal with already, the Governor of Louisianna has threatened to shut down all vampire owned and operated businesses such as Fangtasia and has made a shady deal with the makers of True Blood to help them out with the operations plant shortage.
Phew, there was a lot of action in just 60 minutes!! This certainly looks to be one heck of a season. What do hope to see in the coming weeks? Pull up a chair at the Merlotte's bar and share with us!!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
April Book Club: Where'd You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple
Bernadette Fox is a mystery to everyone, but to her 15-year-old daughter she's both mother and best friend. Bernadette simply doesn't fit in. She's a brilliant architect who walked away from a promising career, married to a Microsoft genius, and far too eccentric for the private-school mothers who can't seem to understand where or how she fits into the neighborhood. When Bee gets straight A's she claims her reward - a trip to Antarctica with her parents. Bernadette is terrified of ships and is developing serious agoraphobia. After a series of very unfortunate accidents, Bernadette disappears and Bee is left to piece together the events that led up to her mother's vanishing. Told through Bee's narrative interspersed with e-mails, notes, and police reports, the narrative will keep you guessing, and laughing, as you journey with Bee to reunite herself with her mother and uncover the truth.
Want to own it?
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We don't support any particular store or company, but do ask that you support your local brick and mortar store to keep them in business. If they don't have the book, most stores are more than happy to order it for you too! This gives their store the business and helps you get the book you want :)
What we thought:
Jenn N.: Where'd You Go, Bernadette? is a fun, fast paced mystery. I enjoyed the unique format that combined letters, e-mails, and other correspondence to tell the story along with Bee's narrative. The book had me guessing what happened to Bernadette up until the final pages. At times I thought her husband did her in, other times I wondered if the crazy neighbor was behind Bernie's disappearance or if Bernadette did herself in or just ran off. The only downside to this novel was that the reveal was a little too neat but yet still felt slightly unresolved. However, it was still a good read that is perfect for the beach read season.

Rebecca T.: I really enjoyed this book. The unique style won me over immediately, and I adored the quirky sense of humor that shone through so much of it. By combining first person narration from Bee's perspective with the e-mails, documents, and letters Semple weaves together a story that is filled with mystery, intrigue, humor, and just a touch of heartbreak that will keep you reading until the end. I did find the resolution a bit convenient and, like Jenn, slightly unfulfilling, but overall I thought this was a fun read.
Since we took the month of May off for book club, we decided to read both Under the Never Sky and Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi for June. Check back for our reviews and feel free to leave your own thoughts on Where'd You Go, Bernadette? below!
Want to own it?
Barnes & Noble
Books A Million
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We don't support any particular store or company, but do ask that you support your local brick and mortar store to keep them in business. If they don't have the book, most stores are more than happy to order it for you too! This gives their store the business and helps you get the book you want :)
What we thought:
Jenn N.: Where'd You Go, Bernadette? is a fun, fast paced mystery. I enjoyed the unique format that combined letters, e-mails, and other correspondence to tell the story along with Bee's narrative. The book had me guessing what happened to Bernadette up until the final pages. At times I thought her husband did her in, other times I wondered if the crazy neighbor was behind Bernie's disappearance or if Bernadette did herself in or just ran off. The only downside to this novel was that the reveal was a little too neat but yet still felt slightly unresolved. However, it was still a good read that is perfect for the beach read season.

Rebecca T.: I really enjoyed this book. The unique style won me over immediately, and I adored the quirky sense of humor that shone through so much of it. By combining first person narration from Bee's perspective with the e-mails, documents, and letters Semple weaves together a story that is filled with mystery, intrigue, humor, and just a touch of heartbreak that will keep you reading until the end. I did find the resolution a bit convenient and, like Jenn, slightly unfulfilling, but overall I thought this was a fun read.
Since we took the month of May off for book club, we decided to read both Under the Never Sky and Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi for June. Check back for our reviews and feel free to leave your own thoughts on Where'd You Go, Bernadette? below!
Friday, June 21, 2013
The Gin Lovers by Jamie Brenner
It's 1925 and Charlotte Delacorte is content to be the socialite wife of William. However, the arrival of her sister-in-law Mae soon rocks her world. While trying to tame flapper Mae, Charlotte ends up falling for the lifestyle and bootlegger Jake. Charlotte quickly yearns to break free of her old life and find herself but she soon discovers a shocking secret that threatens her entire family and her future.
"The Gin Lovers," was originally written as six part e-serial. This soapy delight has now been bound up into one volume. It's clear that Ms. Brenner did a lot of research for "The Gin Lovers." The author's attention to detail is remarkable. The vivid descriptions of the various speakeasies, high society homes, gorgeous clothes, and great jazz music pull you right into the Prohibition era New York City. The wide cast of characters from conflicted Charlotte, to wild-child Mae, to the dastardly William, and the charming Jake are full of depth and feeling. I also loved the mentions of real life celebrities (or soon to be celebrities) of the era such as Louis Armstrong and Cole Porter. Who wouldn't want to risk arrest to drop into that speakeasy?!
If you'd like to learn more about Jamie Brenner and enter to win a copy of "The Gin Lovers," then head on over to my best-friends blog, Chicks Dig Books where she is hosting a Giveaway plus an interview with Ms. Brenner! Or, pick up "The Gin Lovers," at your local bookstore.
Please be advised that I received no financial compensation, or gin for this review. I received a complimentary copy of "The Gin Lovers," from Ms. Brenner's signing at Book Expo America.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Killer Ambition by Marcia Clark
When Hayley, the daughter of Russell Anatonovich, a prominent Hollywood director, is brutally murdered in a kidnapping plot gone wrong, Los Angeles Special Trials Prosecutor, Rachel Knight is assigned to the case along with her friend, Detective Bailey Keller. As the ladies work the case they soon discover that all the evidence points to former child star Ian Powers, agent and longtime best friend of Russell. Rachel and Bailey soon find themselves in a battle between Ian's high-priced lawyers, a doubting Russell, and tabloid media.
Clark definitely took her experience as a former prosecutor for California and put it into this novel. "Killer Ambition" is full of intricate detail to every step of a criminal case from the criminal investigation through the courtroom proceedings. I appreciated the fact that things didn't always come easily for Rachel. You got a real feel for how much hard work goes into putting a case together and the complexities of criminal law. However, at times, the book had a little too much detail. I may be nitpicking a bit here but the numerous notations of Rachel's various ringtones for friends and colleagues were repetitive and distracting. Rachel's frequent concern and fretting over what fashion choices would cause her to perspire the least also seemed odd for a California native. Aside from that, "Killer Ambition," is a great read. It's also the third in the "Rachel Knight" series but newcomers (like myself) will have no trouble starting with this novel to enter Rachel's world.
Look for "Killer Ambition," or the first two books in the "Rachel Knight" series "Guilt by Association," and "Guilt by Degrees," at bookstores everywhere.
Please note that I received no financial compensation for this review. I received a complimentary ARC at Book Expo America where I had the privilege of getting my copy signed by Ms. Clark herself!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
10 Things I Love About Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers
I am grouping these together because I just reread Grave Mercy and went right into Dark Triumph and I know they are two different books, but they are part of a series and I am so excited about both of them that I didn't want to wait to share my thoughts on either of them :D
So the things are about both of them unless I signal a specific one.
- The way LaFevers blends historical fiction and fantasy. It is brilliantly done. I know absolutely nothing about Brittany history and these books made me curious to learn more.
- These girls are sired by the god of death and trained to be ASSASSINS. How cool is that?! I loved the mythos that was developed and the blending of religion and history and fantasy (did I mention that before?) and romance and war and politics that these books do so well! I think they literally have a little something for everyone.
- Ismae and Sybella. Very different, very flawed, very passionate female leads. They are strong and feminine and intelligent and very well developed. I cannot wait to get into Annith's head in the third book.
- Duval and Beast. Oh. My. Goodness. I do not normally crush on YA male leads. But I would like to order one Duval to go please. In all seriousness. I loved the way that LaFevers delicately and slowly built the relationship between the male and female leads. It is obvious that they are going to end up together, but you honestly aren't sure how it's going to happen.
- Grave Mercy: The villain. Not only Count d'Albret (who I will get to in a moment), but the political intrigue that develops until you literally do not know who to trust and who is behind everything and it keeps you reading and biting your nails until it all comes out!
- Dark Triumph: Count d'Albret. Though he is horrible in the first book you really get a good picture of the depravity of this man in the second one. Also, I thought it was interesting that the fact that the duchess refusing d'Albret's marriage proposal in public (which happens in the first book) actually happened and was one of the things that caught LaFever's curiosity. d'Albret's behavior is mostly fabricated, but I love the way you have someone to actually despise. Too many YA fantasy novels don't have really good villains. SMALL SPOILER ALERT AHEAD! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED JUMP TO #7 Also the fact that poor Sybella is trapped as his daughter (!?) is of course simply awful (side note - I also loved that LaFevers just casually inserted this fact in the first chapter by referencing one of the other characters as her brother. I actually shrieked at the book and then was like It all makes sense now!)
- The way Mortain is portrayed. I can't say anything more without spoiling things, but LOVED IT.
- The cast of secondary characters. They all live and breathe and make you care about them.
- The humor! How lovely was it to have a serious, intense historically-based book that had characters with a sense of humor! Yeah!
- The way the characters, both major and minor, grow and develop and change. They are dynamic characters, not static, and it makes a world of difference in pulling the story along and keeping me invested.
So there you have it. Have you read either book? What did you like about it? Please share in the comments!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Laydown Lowdown
It's finally starting to feel like Summer here in the Hudson Valley. There are a lot of great books being released today to load up your beach bags with or relax on your porch with.
Make your way to the Mystery section for "Killer Ambition," the third "Rachel Knight," novel by Marcia Clark is released today. Please check back Thursday for my review of this procedural crime tale. Best-selling authors Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg have joined forces with "The Heist" and "The 9th Girl" by Tami Hoag is also available today.
Head to the Romance section for "What the Duke Desires," by Sabrina Jeffries, "One Heart to Win," by Johanna Lindsey, and "After the Dawn," by Francis Ray.
Skip to Science Fiction/Fantasy section and you'll find "Lexicon," by Max Barry, "Sovereign," by Ted Dekker, "The Ocean at the End of the Lane," by Neil Gaiman, and "The Long War," by Terry Pratchett.
Jet on over to Young Adult for "Proxy," by Alex London, "Tarnish," by Katherine Longshore, and "Star Crossed," by Jessica Spotswood.
Will any of these new books make your "to-read" list? Happy Reading and remember to support your local bookstores whenever possible.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Sundays with Neubie the Truebie
Finally, tonight is the night we've been waiting for Truebies!!
I don't know about you but I've been worrying about Bill since last summer. What has he become after the whole Lillith debacle? I'm hoping for the return of my favorite southern gentleman vampire. Although I did enjoy his stint as the King before he got sucked into all that Authority nonsense. His storyline last year strayed so far away from the books that it's hard to speculate what will happen. This article from TV Guide has some great info on what we may seen from Bill/Billith this Season along with our Bon Temps friends.
Rutger Hauer joins the cast this season as Sookie and Jason's faerie great-grandfather, Niall. In the books, Niall is a complex character. He always has Sookie's best interests at heart but sometimes his methods can be a little off-putting and his alliances are sometimes murky. With the appearance of evil vampire Warlow last season, it will be interesting to see if he/she/it is revealed to be a red herring and actually not the cause of Sookie's parent's deaths. In the books, the Stackhouse's were killed by bad faeries and I'd hate to see this plot point change.
A new character named Amelia also joins the show this season but I haven't been able to confirm whether or not this Amelia is based on Amelia Broadway from the books. In the books, Sookie meets her pal in New Orleans and she returns to Bon Temps with her to escape her coven after a spell gone wrong. Amelia had somehow turned her boyfriend Bob into a cat and is unable to return him to human form. Now, that is a funny tale that I'd like to see on screen.
Last season had a lot of darkness to it and I'd light to see some lighter moments and mo romantic moments return this season. Speaking of romance, Tara better not mess things up with Pam (like she has ruined every other relationship she was in).
What about you guys? What do you hope to see this season? Share with me and come back next week to discuss the premiere!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Staff Picks: Father's Day Edition
Father's Day is tomorrow and if you still haven't gotten shopping, we have some last minute ideas for you to look for in your favorite local bookstore.
Rachel is getting her dad, "Joyland," by Stephen King. She traditionally gets him King's latest every year and his new crime novel is sure to please both King fans and non.

Rebecca always gets her pops a Ted Dekker novel. He's "a
great author for books with a weird twist. Many of his books have a
thriller aspect to them and there's often some sort of spiritual element
as well." Dekker has many novels to choose from but Mr. T's favorites are "Three," "House," and "Blink of an Eye."
Jess P.'s pick will be a bit harder to track down for your dad. "Spanning the World," by Len Bernman, a witty sportcaster for ABC7 is out of print but is available as an e-book. So, if your dad has a reader, you can download it for him or perhaps consider getting him a giftcard to your favorite bookstore where he can select books of his own choice.
My dad loves history books, I'd recommend anything by Pulitzer Prize winner, David McCullough such as "John Adams." He's also become a John Grisham fan lately, and his best-selling novels like "The Racketeer," would make a great gift.
Happy Gifting, Happy Reading and Happy Father's Day!!

Happy Gifting, Happy Reading and Happy Father's Day!!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Laydown Lowdown
Father's Day is this Sunday and if you haven't gotten your dad (or the dad-like special man in your life) a gift yet, perhaps he'd like one of this week's new reads.
There are a lot of new Science Fiction/Fantasy reads today. The highlights include "Game of Thrones: The Graphic Novel, Volume 2," by George R.R. Martin, " "The Shining Girls," by Lauren Beukes, "The Mad Goblin," by Phillip Joseph Farmer, "Limits of Power," by Elizabeth Moon, and "The Tower," by Simon Toyne.
Or perhaps he'd like a Mystery such as "The Ides of April," by Lindsey Davis, "The Hanging," by Lotte Hammer, "Bad Monkey by Carl Hiassen, or "Aftershock," by Andrew Vachss.
I don't think many dads are into Romance novels but you never know, everyone has their guilty pleasures. "One Heart to Win," by Johanna Lindsey is available today along with "Flirting With Disaster," by Ruthie Knox.
After you select the perfect gift, you may want to relax with one of today's new Young Adult titles. "Infamous," the latest in Lauren Conrad's "Fame Game" series is available today as well as "Burning," by Elana K. Arnold, "Dance of the Red Death," by Bethanny Griffin, "A Matter of Days," by Amber Kizer and "Boy Nobody," by Allen Zadoff.
Will any of these books make your "to-read" of "to-gift" lists this week? Share with us and remember to support your local bookstores whenever possible.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Sundays with Neubie the Truebie
Welcome back Truebies!!! Can you believe Season 6 of "True Blood" is just 7 days away?! It seems like just yesterday we were crying over spilled-milk- er, blood of Lillith for the next season. Next week, I plan on bringing you all the gossip I've overheard at Merlotte's as to what kind of trouble our Bon Temps friends are in for this season.
In the meantime, the "Southern Vampire" novel series by Charlaine Harris on which "True Blood" is based came to a close last month with
"Dead Ever After," the 13th entry in the series. In "Dead Ever After," Arlene Fowler returns to Bon Temps after getting bailed out of jail for her part in trying to kill Sookie way back in "Dead and Gone." Shortly after her return, Arlene is murdered and Sookie is set up and arrested as prime suspect #1. Fortunately Sookie's friends past and present stand up for her defense. She is promptly bailed out and is determined to find out who set her up while sorting out her feelings towards a new but familiar romantic interest.
While I am sad to see this great series come to a close, it's better to end a series high than drawing it out until to a weak close. This entry clearly shows Sookie's growth from the shy virginal cocktail waitress we met in "Dead Until Dark," to the confident bar co-owner she is here. While the choice she ultimately makes for a romantic suitor may surprise and upset some readers, it was a choice that I felt was perfectly suited for the woman Ms. Stackhouse has become. Pretty much every character in the Sookie-verse is given a satisfactory conclusion in this novel. In addition to Arlene, this novel also features the return of Amelia Broadway, Quinn and several of Sookie's enemies who I won't name as I don't want to spoil the book for you. However, I was disappointed that Bubba was conspicuously absent. Perhaps, Charlaine is saving Bubba's story for the forthcoming "After Dead," an epilogue to the series which promises to answer how the remainder of our favorite characters lives and afterlives played out. If you haven't checked out "Dead Ever After" yet, what are you waiting for? If you've already read it please share your - spoiler free- thought below.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Staff Picks
We always had a display of "Staff Picks" in our Borders. These were books, videos or music that we loved and hoped to share with our customers. Now, we're taking the section virtual. In our new weekly, "Staff Picks" feature we share what we're reading and loving with you this week!
Alan is "in Stephen Hunter's world right now. I just finished his "Soft Target,"
and am now reading his "Dead Zone." Unfortunately I'm reading them out
of order, but I'm okay with it."
Jess B. gives a thumbs up to the vampire saga "Thirst"
by Christopher Pike. Albert recommended it to her sometime ago and she finally checked it out. She loves vampire Alisa's internal struggles.
Naomi is re-reading John Dickinson's "Cup of the World" for the third time. She loves this book especially the world-building and how it
has "dream-like qualities to it."
Rachel finally picked up the children's classic "The Phantom Tollbooth," by Norton Juster. Her only regret is not reading it when she was younger as she quickly fell in love with this book and can't wait to pass it on to kids.
Rebecca just finished reading "Dark Triumph" by Robin LaFevers. It's the second
book in the "His Fair Assassins" series and it was wonderful. She loved the
way the author blends historical fiction with a touch of fantasy and romance She finds the character, Sybella particularly fascinating and she didn't want to put it
Stacey is re-reading the "Harry Potter" series which has become a Spring/Summer tradition for her.

Finally, I devoured the forthcoming "Accused," by Lisa Scottoline. I was lucky enough to get the ARC at Book Expo America last week. The book won't be released in October so until then I highly recommend Lisa's other novels especially my favorites in her "Rosato & Associates" series, "Moment of Truth," and "Courting Trouble."
What good books have you read lately? Have you read any of ours? Check back next week for more "Staff Picks" and be sure to share your picks with us!

Stacey is re-reading the "Harry Potter" series which has become a Spring/Summer tradition for her.

What good books have you read lately? Have you read any of ours? Check back next week for more "Staff Picks" and be sure to share your picks with us!
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