"Nasty Habits" 3.4

I adored this episode and there were two main reasons: Peter Pan and Neal.

"Nasty Habits" was all about isolation vs. belonging. Pan obviously feels isolated. Even in the midst of his Lost Boys he has noone he really connects with on an equal level, but all he can do is keep drawing more and more boys who feel the same way. He has a hard time getting into Henry's head because Henry belongs. He has 2 mothers, a father, and several grandparents who have all proved that, no matter what differences they may have, they all agree on their love for Henry. When he really begins to accept Neal's "death" and remains isolated from his family, that is when Henry begins to be able to hear Pan's music and to slowly be drawn into the life of the Lost Boys, though I certainly hope we see him pull back. His steadfast belief in his family is too strong to be overcome so easily. Emma finds herself alone once again. Having finally found Neal she has lost him once again and her relationship with her parents is still too strained for them to be enough comfort. Which is probably why she and Hook are drawn toward each other as he is also outside, but longing to belong. And David is desperate to keep his family together as long as possible, which is why he doesn't tell anyone what is happening. And if they don't find some magical way to keep him alive I'm just saying that heads will have to roll. Ahem.

Was anyone else yelling, "Second star to the right and straight on till morning" when Baelfire's star show started? And I would just like to say that that was one impressively carved coconut shell.
And when Neal calls up the squid I admit that I bellowed, "RELEASE THE KRAAKKEN." snrk. Who knew squid ink was so powerful.
Favorite line of the night is a tie.
David's retort to Hook when he says, "And I'm plenty hot" was hilarious. I actually rewound it because I was sure I had misheard it.
And Regina's best line in a really long time and pretty much her only contribution to this episode was her quip, "Yes, because preteen Baelfire probably made lots of pasta." That one got a good long laugh from me.
And I have two final thoughts. The first is on the prophecy surrounding Rumplestiltskin and Henry. I am fairly certain that his decision to turn his back on Belle's advice and his own conscience and go after Henry is the thing that will end up becoming his undoing. When he heard the first prophecy, where the seer said that his actions would leave Baelfire without a fire, Rumple responded with the act of cowardice that led to his evil obsession with magic and power and, as we all know, led to his loss of Bae. Turning his back on Henry and choosing to try to kill him will, in the same way, be the action that could lead to his complete downfall. Here's hoping he makes the right decision in the end, because I seriously can't imagine the show without either Rumple or Henry.
My other question is in regards to Pan's declaration that Henry is there to save the magic. Why is the magic in danger? What magic is he supposed to save and how? Pan has been looking for Henry for an extremely long time, but there don't seem to be any issues with people using magic.
So many questions! And next week's episode looks really good. Can't wait!
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