Friday, January 30, 2015
The King by Tiffany Reisz
"Cunning. Sex. Pure nerve. Only this unholy threesome can raise him to his rightful place as a ruler of Manhattan's kink kingdom.
Bouncing from bed to bed on the Upper East Side, Kingsley Edge is brilliant, beautiful and utterly debauched. No carnal act or chemical compound can relieve his self-destructive heartache—only Søren, the one person he loves without limit or regret. A man he can never have, but in whose hands Kingsley is reborn to attain even greater heights of sin.
Kingsley's plan to open the ultimate BDSM club—a dungeon playground for New York's A-list—becomes his obsession. His expertise in domination can't subdue the one man who wants to stop him. The enigmatic Reverend Fuller won't rest until King's dream is destroyed, and so the battle lines are set; it's one man's sacred mission against another's…"
It's no secret that I love Tiffany Reisz's work especially her "Original Sinners" series. In fact, Ms. Reisz has raised the bar in how I judge all my reads; nothing compares to her work. However, she really outdid herself with this latest entry in the series.
I read this entire novel with this bizarre blissful look on my face. I know this because my mom interrupted me at one point to ask "what the heck are you reading, you look like you're in a trance." :) I almost felt like I was in a trance as Tiffany writes so well that you'll feel like your right there in the scene.
"The King," is the second novel in "The Original Sinners: The White Years," a prequel quartet to "The Original Sinners: The Red Years." This never felt like a prequel though. It was a wonderful, fresh story that takes the reader into the heart and mind of Kingsley Edge as he grows to become King of the "8th Circle" that we meet in the first "Original Sinner" novel, "The Siren."
Kingsley was always my favorite character so I loved that this installment was dedicated to him. Kingsley is a paradoxal character. He's dark and strong but also hysterically funny and sensitive. "The King" does a great job at showing his many layers.
"The King" also introduces us to new characters, my favorite being Sam; Kingsley assistant and the one woman who is immune to his many charms. This being an erotic novel though, Kingsley doesn't lack for paramours. This book is super hot and definitely for adults only.
If you've never read, Tiffany's work, I suggest you start with "The Siren." "The King" can be read as a stand-alone but I feel it's best enjoyed as part of the series.
For more on Tiffany Reisz, visit her website and look for her novels in bookstores everywhere.
Have you read "The King"? I'd love to hear your non-spoilery comments below!
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
What I'm Reading Now: January Edition
It's been a couple of months, but it's back! Here's a quick recap of the things I'm reading right now.
On my Nook: The Adventures of Gerard by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - One of my reading resolutions is to read at least 1 eBook I own each month. To keep myself going and make myself read the ones I might not get to otherwise, I decided to just go through alphabetically and here I am. I've read most of the Sherlock Holmes stories, but have never read anything else by Doyle. These are fun little vignettes of a French Colonel retelling stories of his life. Entertaining and light.
On audio in my car: Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige - This was our book club read for the month. I'm feeling very conflicted over this book. I'll be writing it up more fully once I've finished it.
In print Non-Fiction: Why Buffy Matters: The Art of Buffy the Vampire by Rhonda V. Wilcox - I stumbled across this at the library where I work and immediately checked it out. They're essays based on previous presentations and talks Wilcox gave and I'm finding them pretty interesting.
In print Non-Fiction: A Life and Its Mirrors: A Feminist Reading of L.M. Montgomery's Fiction by Gabriella Ahmansson - I'm working on a proposal for the 2016 Montgomery conference and so I'm catching up on some of the criticism I missed while working on my thesis. This has been good so far, but references a second part that is more focused on the works I'm interested in so I'll be looking for that later.

In print Fiction: The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm - I'm actually just about to start this one. I love Babymouse and Squish and I've heard great things about this book so I'm super excited to get into it!
On TV: Broadchurch - I watched Gracepoint and wasn't as impressed as I wanted to be. So when the British counterpart became available on Netflix I jumped right in. After about 5 minutes I was already more engaged than I was after the entire series of Gracepoint. Looking forward to watching the rest. Plus, more David Tennant!
So what are you reading now? Anything really good that I should add to my ever-expanding TBR list?

On audio in my car: Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige - This was our book club read for the month. I'm feeling very conflicted over this book. I'll be writing it up more fully once I've finished it.

In print Fiction: The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm - I'm actually just about to start this one. I love Babymouse and Squish and I've heard great things about this book so I'm super excited to get into it!

So what are you reading now? Anything really good that I should add to my ever-expanding TBR list?
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Laydown Lowdown
Snowed in? Don't stress, there are plenty of great books available this week to help you pass the time.
Heat things up with "In His Keeping," by Maya Banks. Other new releases in Romance include "Bound by Flames," by Jeaniene Frost, "Catch a Falling Heiress," by Laura Lee Guhrke, "The Marriage Charm," by Linda Lael Miller, and "Catch My Breath," by Lyn Montagano.
You can get your pulse racing with "Toured to Death," by Hy Conrad in Mystery/Thriller today along with "Breaking Creed," by Alex Kava, "Arscenic & Old Books," by Miranda James and "The Great Zoo of China," by Matthew Reilly.
Head over to Science Fiction/Fantasy to discover, "Inside a Silver Box," by Walter Mosley, "The Mime Order," by Samantha Shannon, and "Pacific Fire," by Greg VanEekhout.
In Young Adult, you'll find "Tear You Apart," by Sarah Cross, "I Was Here," by Gayle Forman, "Love, Lucy," by April Lindner, "Fairest: Levana's Story," by Marissa Meyer, "Heartbeat," by Elizabeth Scott, and "I'm Glad I Did," by Cynthia Weil.
Will any of these books make your "to-read" list? Share with us! Happy Reading and remember to support your local bookstores whenever possible.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Downton Abbey 5.3
Back to the world of Downton! More intrigue, mysteries, and craziness have ensued!
Jenn N: The Bates debacle...I can't believe that the police are taking that woman's statement so seriously. It's also so vague that it could mean a lot of things. While Bates probably did push Mr. Green in front of the train, no one knows for sure and the "evidence" is circumstantial at best. Although I'm basing this on my modern day experience as a paralegal so maybe standards were different then.

Rebecca T: I know. I'm honestly annoyed with this whole thread coming back. Can we please just let Anna and Bates have a tiny bit of happiness? And this feels like just rehashing old territory. There are so many more interesting things that could happen with them. Like a baby! I would love to see how that might change so many things within the household.
Jenn N: It cracked me up that Tom and Edith thought that Mary's sketching trip was rather sketchy. Spratt really should have kept his nose in his own business but I loved the look on the Dowager's face when he told her and her quick and smooth cover story.
Rebecca T: I love that Tom and Mary are getting along so well now. They make a really great team. Violet is so quick on the lies. It's kind of ridiculous. She's so smooth with her cover up for Mary.
Jenn N: As for my favorite frenemies, I loved when Isobel got to turn the tables on Violet and chide her about the Russian man (whose name I can't remember ) who not only seemed interested in her but remembered her fondly from a wedding they both attended years ago. Despite Violet's dismissive comments, I think she had feelings for him once upon a time too. It would be interesting to see what if anything develops there.
Rebecca T: Speaking of smooth cover ups... her reaction makes me believe that there is a lot more to the story of her and the Russian gentleman than she's saying. Here's hoping we get more of her salacious past ;)
Jenn N: And we finally got to hear Baxter's secret. Only it wasn't that shocking. She got involved with the wrong man and took the heat for him. She hasn't seen him since but what do you bet he shows up one day to cause trouble.
Rebecca T: Ooh! I hadn't thought about the guy showing up at Downton. Man, that could really cause some problems. And talking about setting things up for future trouble, I'm curious as to what is going to happen if Bates stumbles across the birth control that Mary gave Anna.
Jenn N: Yes, Mary once again imposes on Anna by making her take home the birth control. I'm not sure how but I bet that being in the Bates home will cause some kind of problem.
Rebecca T: I can't figure out how it would, but I wonder if it will end up causing more issues in the Mr. Green investigation (I have no reason to believe it would except they are both mysteries/secrets connected to Bates).
Jenn N: Ms. Bunting may be a great academic teacher but she could use some tutoring herself on manners!!
Rebecca T: These are the things that make me hate Sarah. She's invited and she knows it's at the last minute. She is a GUEST in this house with Tom, whom she claims as a friend, and she just has zero filter whatsoever. Manners indeed! And I'm concerned that she's going to sow the wrong kind of discontent in Daisy. I love that Daisy wants to learn and if she doesn't want to stay as a cook, fine, but that's what she is right now and she needs a job.
Jenn N: And poor Robert he so desperately wants please Cora but he's mucking it up. Romantic gestures are nice but she wants him to value her brains not just as arm candy.
Jenn N: The Bates debacle...I can't believe that the police are taking that woman's statement so seriously. It's also so vague that it could mean a lot of things. While Bates probably did push Mr. Green in front of the train, no one knows for sure and the "evidence" is circumstantial at best. Although I'm basing this on my modern day experience as a paralegal so maybe standards were different then.

Rebecca T: I know. I'm honestly annoyed with this whole thread coming back. Can we please just let Anna and Bates have a tiny bit of happiness? And this feels like just rehashing old territory. There are so many more interesting things that could happen with them. Like a baby! I would love to see how that might change so many things within the household.
Jenn N: It cracked me up that Tom and Edith thought that Mary's sketching trip was rather sketchy. Spratt really should have kept his nose in his own business but I loved the look on the Dowager's face when he told her and her quick and smooth cover story.
Rebecca T: I love that Tom and Mary are getting along so well now. They make a really great team. Violet is so quick on the lies. It's kind of ridiculous. She's so smooth with her cover up for Mary.
Jenn N: As for my favorite frenemies, I loved when Isobel got to turn the tables on Violet and chide her about the Russian man (whose name I can't remember ) who not only seemed interested in her but remembered her fondly from a wedding they both attended years ago. Despite Violet's dismissive comments, I think she had feelings for him once upon a time too. It would be interesting to see what if anything develops there.
Jenn N: And we finally got to hear Baxter's secret. Only it wasn't that shocking. She got involved with the wrong man and took the heat for him. She hasn't seen him since but what do you bet he shows up one day to cause trouble.
Rebecca T: Ooh! I hadn't thought about the guy showing up at Downton. Man, that could really cause some problems. And talking about setting things up for future trouble, I'm curious as to what is going to happen if Bates stumbles across the birth control that Mary gave Anna.
Jenn N: Yes, Mary once again imposes on Anna by making her take home the birth control. I'm not sure how but I bet that being in the Bates home will cause some kind of problem.
Rebecca T: I can't figure out how it would, but I wonder if it will end up causing more issues in the Mr. Green investigation (I have no reason to believe it would except they are both mysteries/secrets connected to Bates).
Jenn N: Speaking of sketchy behavior, what's Thomas up to? He called about an advertisement then told Carson his father was ill and took time off to visit with him. Lying about that certainly won't help him to get more people to like him. Although it did shed a little light on why he's so nasty, he revealed his father was nasty to him.
Rebecca T: I really think there is more to that story than he's telling (obviously). The father story smells like some sort of cover up to me.
Rebecca T: These are the things that make me hate Sarah. She's invited and she knows it's at the last minute. She is a GUEST in this house with Tom, whom she claims as a friend, and she just has zero filter whatsoever. Manners indeed! And I'm concerned that she's going to sow the wrong kind of discontent in Daisy. I love that Daisy wants to learn and if she doesn't want to stay as a cook, fine, but that's what she is right now and she needs a job.
Jenn N: And poor Robert he so desperately wants please Cora but he's mucking it up. Romantic gestures are nice but she wants him to value her brains not just as arm candy.
Rebecca T: I can't believe that Cora is being so flirty, but Robert is being such an idiot. I feel like things would be so much better if he would just tell her that he feels jealous! Instead he's just putting his foot in his mouth over and over and ticking Cora off.
Jenn N: He needs to start focusing a bit more on what she was trying to tell him when she felt valued during the war.
Rebecca T: I think the most heartbreaking moment in this episode was seeing Edith's face when Sybbie and George were brought in. I think they need to bring Mrs. Drewe in on the secret or something.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
10 Things I Loved About Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White

This book is Kiersten's best to date. She continues to grow as an author and I am so excited to talk about this book! So here are the 10 Things I Loved about Illusions of Fate.
- Jessamin - She is feisty and strong and smart, but not afraid to be feminine and love dresses and looking nice. I love her obsession with math (especially since I know Kiersten hates math :). I love that she does not define herself by the guys that come into her life, but she doesn't hate men either. She's such a real, well defined main character and I love her!
- Sir Bird - I think Sir Bird is my all time favorite non-human companion in a book. And a bird that can turn into a book? How brilliant is that?
- The setting - I love how fully realized these cultures are. I really feel like Melei and Albion are real places, that's how realistically they are developed while the story is never bogged down in the details. Kiersten is so good at weaving these details into the narrative in a natural fashion.
- Larger issues - Kiersten also addresses the complex and complicated issues of colonization without feeling at all preachy or political.
- Eleanor - I want to be her friend so badly. I absolutely adore Eleanor. I love that she uses the under-estimation of women to her advantage. I love her spirit. I seriously would love a novella or companion novel from her perspective. It would be so much fun.
- Finn's house - How cool is a house with different door that lead to different cities? I mean, I know it's been done before, but Kiersten makes it her own in the story.
- Finn - He's the right balance of mysterious and slightly obnoxious, yet caring. I can't say more without risking spoilers, but I liked the fact that he wasn't immediately just likable.
- Twists and turns - There were definitely things that I didn't expect and I liked that I was surprised by events (but never in a bad way).
- The letters - Every letter between Jessamin and her mother with Jessamin's added commentary cracked me up every time.
- Lord Downpike - I loved the way he was drawn as a villain. I didn't love the character, but I liked how utterly creepy he was.
Happy reading!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Laydown Lowdown
It's that time of year when the winter doldrums can set in. Fortunately, there are some great new books to pull you out of it.
Veronica Mars continues to unearth Neptune's darkest secrets with her latest adventure, "Mr. Kiss and Tell," by Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham. Look for my review later this week. Other new releases in Mystery/Thriller include: "Puzzled Indemnity," by Parnell Hall, "Fear the Darkness," by Becky Masterman and "Serpents in the Cold," by Thomas O'Malley.
Over in Romance, you can heat things up with "Burned," by Karen Marie Moning or explore "What If," by Rebecca Donovan, "Something Wicked," by Carol Oates, and "The Yellow Wood," by Melanie Tam.
"Half a King," by Joe Abercrombie is released in paperback today in Science Fiction/Fantasy along with "Black Moon," by Kenneth Calhoun, and "The Crimson Campaign," by Brian McClellan.
"All Fall Down," the novel in Ally Carter's new "Embassy Row," series is released today in Young Adult. "Avalon," by Mindee Arnett, "Maybe One Day," by Melissa Kantor, "The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley," by David Hutchinson, and "The Rule of Three: Fight for Power," by Eric Walters are also available.
Will any of these books make your "to-read" list? Share with us! Happy Reading and remember to support your local bookstores whenever possible.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Downton Abbey 5.2
Greetings fellow Downtonians! Things never stay still for long, so let's take a look at the changing world of Downton Abbey from last week.
Jenn N: I love the relationship between Isobel and Violet. No matter your age or what decade you live in, apparently you can't escape frenemies.

Rebecca T: HA! Frenemies is the absolutely perfect word. I've always enjoyed their banter, but I feel like it's really cranked up this season. And I think it's because there's just a smidgen bit more friend than enemy these days.
Jenn N: Thomas confided in Anna that he knows he's not liked. He got kind of misty but I wasn't sympathetic as he brings all this on himself by making everyone's life. I'd like to see an explanation as to why he does what he does. Does he just get off on humiliating people? Or does he just crave more power and money that his current social standing permits?
Rebecca T: I know he brings it all on himself, but I agree. I feel like him just being a jerk to be a jerk is really not enough reason anymore. I know he likes to further his own interests, but there are things he does that have no purpose other than to hurt other people. Like holding Murphy's past over her so she'll spy on Bates for him.
Jenn N: Baxter insisting that there was no good underlying reason why she robbed her former employer is also interesting. I'm certain that she does have a good reason but on the other hand, the idea of her being a reformed criminal going straight would be cool to explore. Especially if Mr Moleseley will accept her for who she really is.
Rebecca T: I kind of like the idea of Molesely and Baxter together. I really hope that he's able to get past his initial shock and become even more protective of her. But I don't buy that there wasn't another reason for her crime. And she kind of slightly admitted there was more to the story. The criminal gone straight is interesting, but I have a hunch there is more there.
Jenn N: I feel bad for the other Drewe children. Won't they feel slighted that this rich lady is showering their sister with money, love, and affection? I have a feeling that Mrs. Drewe will bust up the godmother arrangement. However assuming she doesn't what would happen if Michael is found alive somewhere and returns to Edith? Would she tell him about Marigold? Would they they the take her from the Drewes?
Rebecca T: I'm nervous about them not telling Mrs. Drewe. I really feel like she needs to know the truth. And I hadn't even thought about Michael still being alive. Oh. My. Werd. Wouldn't that be a twist!
Jenn N: Hughes and Carson; do you think he's interested her for more than friendship?
Rebecca T: First I'd just like to say that I think it's so funny when Carson and Mrs. Hughes fight. And I don't think Carson has any idea how often the two of them are actually not on the same page because Mrs. Hughes is so good at keeping secrets. I honestly don't know what I think about your question though. I feel like they've danced around this before, but I honestly don't think it would ever go that way.
Rebecca T: I do want to add something about the memorial, though. I think Robert is right, though he's certainly not going about expressing his opinion in the right way. I think the memorial should be in a place where people can see it regularly. It's all well and good to have these beautiful gardens and such, but if they are rarely used because you have to plan a trip out to it, what good is it really? But Robert was being a serious crankypants this whole episode. I kept wanting to shake him!
Jenn N: And can Bunting give me some remedial math help too? I'm still bitter that I nev got my Regents diploma.
Rebecca T: Haha! I'm glad Daisy got so much out of the lesson, but I was seriously ticked at Sarah when she just announced the time she was coming without checking to make sure it would work for Daisy or not interfere with her job. Sarah may not like the aristocracy or agree with the family's politics, but that is no reason to put Daisy's job in any kind of stress or jeopardy. She is so thoughtless that I just want to scream.
So what did you think? Any insights into Tom's behavior? What do you think will happen to Tony and Mary? Do you think Michael will come back onto the scene?
Remember, no spoilers if you've seen more of the season!
Jenn N: I love the relationship between Isobel and Violet. No matter your age or what decade you live in, apparently you can't escape frenemies.

Rebecca T: HA! Frenemies is the absolutely perfect word. I've always enjoyed their banter, but I feel like it's really cranked up this season. And I think it's because there's just a smidgen bit more friend than enemy these days.
Jenn N: I loved the whole storyline with wireless. Rose's continued hinting and badgering to talk Robert into getting it for the house was adorable. His reluctance to get it and his dismissal of it as a "passing fad" made me wonder how he'd feel about today's technology. Robert feared people would stare at the box and not each other which sadly is exactly what happens today with a lot of people and their smartphones. And I loved when they finally got the wireless at the house and what a big spectacle it was. I know I take the radio for granted these days. Seeing a time when it was revolutionary really made me appreciate it in a new way especially my satellite radio. Rose would really go crazy with today's technology wouldn't she? Jazz on demand whenever she wanted!
I laughed though when they all stood up for the king's speech though.
Rebecca T: I found it interesting that Robert was so resistant to the wireless when he seemed a pretty big fan of some of the other technology. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but didn't he like the gramophone? And he put in lights and a telephone with limited balking (that I can remember). So I wonder what it was about the wireless specifically that bothered him. It was so neat to see their reaction to actually hearing the radio for the first time. And I loved that Rose's big argument was that, if the king is using it, surely we should too. She brings a lot of life to the house!
Jenn N: Also intriguing to me was what exactly did ladies use in those days to avoid "consequences ." I'd Google it but that'd probably take me to some peculiar websites not safe for work. I understand why Mary sent Anna to get the product but I really hope they pay Anna well because she's really gone over and above the call of duty for Mary. She covers up dead bodies and fetches what could be embarrassing products from the pharmacy for her.
Rebecca T: Seriously. Anna has definitely gone far beyond her role as maid. Mary and Anna's conversation about birth control was so hilariously awkward. And the trip to the shop painful. I kept waiting for there to be some sort of repercussion, but maybe it's just my reaction to anything that happens in the show - when will this come back to bite someone later?
Jenn N: Not really sure how I feel about Tony. I certainly find him more attractive than Mary's other gentleman caller, but there is just something about him that makes me uneasy. I also don't really understand why all these guys fawn all over. She needs to relax a bit like her cousin Rose. I actually can't believe Mary agreed to this rendezvous with Tony. Perhaps Rose is rubbing off in her after all.
Rebecca T: I think Mary has changed quite a bit, especially since Matthew - he really got her to be more relaxed and I think that losing him has forced her to see things differently and reconsider what is important. Like her new perception on Tom. She realizes now that he's feeling a bit trapped and stands up for him to Robert. As for Tony. I actually do like him. Charles Blake is a complete jerk. But Tony has a much more relaxed rapport with Mary. But there is no way this rendezvous can possibly be as simple as they expect.
Jenn N: Speaking of not being simple, the cop showing up at the end asking about Mr Green has me worried. Hopefully everyone keeps their mouths shut about what they think they know about Mr Green's death.
Rebecca T: We talked about this last week. I really was hoping this story line was over and done. I really really just want Anna and Bates to have a little bit of peace. And in regards to Anna/Bates - I was really surprised that Thomas had that little moment with Anna. And it oddly didn't seem contrived?
Jenn N: Speaking of not being simple, the cop showing up at the end asking about Mr Green has me worried. Hopefully everyone keeps their mouths shut about what they think they know about Mr Green's death.
Rebecca T: We talked about this last week. I really was hoping this story line was over and done. I really really just want Anna and Bates to have a little bit of peace. And in regards to Anna/Bates - I was really surprised that Thomas had that little moment with Anna. And it oddly didn't seem contrived?
Rebecca T: I know he brings it all on himself, but I agree. I feel like him just being a jerk to be a jerk is really not enough reason anymore. I know he likes to further his own interests, but there are things he does that have no purpose other than to hurt other people. Like holding Murphy's past over her so she'll spy on Bates for him.
Jenn N: Baxter insisting that there was no good underlying reason why she robbed her former employer is also interesting. I'm certain that she does have a good reason but on the other hand, the idea of her being a reformed criminal going straight would be cool to explore. Especially if Mr Moleseley will accept her for who she really is.
Rebecca T: I kind of like the idea of Molesely and Baxter together. I really hope that he's able to get past his initial shock and become even more protective of her. But I don't buy that there wasn't another reason for her crime. And she kind of slightly admitted there was more to the story. The criminal gone straight is interesting, but I have a hunch there is more there.
Rebecca T: I'm nervous about them not telling Mrs. Drewe. I really feel like she needs to know the truth. And I hadn't even thought about Michael still being alive. Oh. My. Werd. Wouldn't that be a twist!
Jenn N: Hughes and Carson; do you think he's interested her for more than friendship?
Rebecca T: First I'd just like to say that I think it's so funny when Carson and Mrs. Hughes fight. And I don't think Carson has any idea how often the two of them are actually not on the same page because Mrs. Hughes is so good at keeping secrets. I honestly don't know what I think about your question though. I feel like they've danced around this before, but I honestly don't think it would ever go that way.
Rebecca T: I do want to add something about the memorial, though. I think Robert is right, though he's certainly not going about expressing his opinion in the right way. I think the memorial should be in a place where people can see it regularly. It's all well and good to have these beautiful gardens and such, but if they are rarely used because you have to plan a trip out to it, what good is it really? But Robert was being a serious crankypants this whole episode. I kept wanting to shake him!
Jenn N: Robert needs to wake up. Simon is interested in more than the dog.
Rebecca T: Oh, I think he's well aware that Simon is interested in more than the dog. I think that was his way of letting Cora know that he saw the little flirtatiousness going on without outright confronting her. And can I just say, it's shocking enough to see Simon flirting with Cora, but I almost fell over when she flirted back!
Rebecca T: Haha! I'm glad Daisy got so much out of the lesson, but I was seriously ticked at Sarah when she just announced the time she was coming without checking to make sure it would work for Daisy or not interfere with her job. Sarah may not like the aristocracy or agree with the family's politics, but that is no reason to put Daisy's job in any kind of stress or jeopardy. She is so thoughtless that I just want to scream.
So what did you think? Any insights into Tom's behavior? What do you think will happen to Tony and Mary? Do you think Michael will come back onto the scene?
Remember, no spoilers if you've seen more of the season!
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Laydown Lowdown
Please excuse the delay with this week's "Laydown Lowdown," my internet was down.
Look out of the "The Girl on the Train," by Paula Hawkins, "The Unquiet Dead," by Ausma Zehanat Khan, "The Ice Queen," by Nele Neuhaus, or "Near Enemy," by Adam Stenbergh.
Over in Romance you can check out "One Last Song" by S.K Falls, "Unforgettable," by Shannon Richard, "A Shot of Sin," by Eden Summers and "Held Against You," by Season Vining.
Slide through Science Fiction/Fantasy for "The Dagger's Path," by Glenda Larke, "The Providence of Fire," by Brian Staveley, and "The Just City," by Jo Walton.
Will any of these books make your "to-read" list? Share with us!! Happy Reading and remember to support your local bookstores whenever possible.
Look out of the "The Girl on the Train," by Paula Hawkins, "The Unquiet Dead," by Ausma Zehanat Khan, "The Ice Queen," by Nele Neuhaus, or "Near Enemy," by Adam Stenbergh.
Over in Romance you can check out "One Last Song" by S.K Falls, "Unforgettable," by Shannon Richard, "A Shot of Sin," by Eden Summers and "Held Against You," by Season Vining.
Slide through Science Fiction/Fantasy for "The Dagger's Path," by Glenda Larke, "The Providence of Fire," by Brian Staveley, and "The Just City," by Jo Walton.
Will any of these books make your "to-read" list? Share with us!! Happy Reading and remember to support your local bookstores whenever possible.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Downton Abbey 5.1
Jenn N. and I (Rebecca T.) are both Downton Abbey fans, so when I mentioned how much I was enjoying the new season Jenn had the brilliant idea that we should write up our thoughts and inflict them on all of you!
And since Once Upon a Time is on hiatus, it seemed like the perfect time to jump in on this.
Because of schedules, etc. we'll be posting a week after the episode airs, but that will just help get you ready for the new episode to come.
And for those of you who have already seen the season - NO SPOILERS! :)
Jenn N: I think you (Rebecca) said this once in your personal blog that Bates & Anna are your OTP. They're mine too. I really hope that season brings some happiness to them after the trauma of last season, I think they've been through enough.
Rebecca T: I adore Bates and Anna and I totally agree. They have been through the ringer - crazy ex-wives, murder trials, rape, vengeance... I really want to see them have some happiness. Here's hoping Thomas doesn't ruin it through his conniving. But more on Thomas later.
Jenn N: I also hope Lady Edith finds some happiness this season. It seems the poor girl can't catch a break. I'm still mad over Sir Anthony bailing on their wedding.
Rebecca T: I have always had a soft spot for Edith. She has made some foolish decisions, but she's also gotten the short end of the stick a lot of the time. Not only with Sir Anthony, but also consistently ending up playing second fiddle to her older and younger sisters. I really hope this plan allows her to be a real presence in her daughter's life.
Jenn N: Of course, if everyone was happy all the time the show wouldn't be nearly as entertaining. Thankfully we have Mr. Molesely to lighten things up. He is so determined to win Baxter's affections that he covered his hair with some tar like dye in order to appear younger. Unfortunately for him, Baxter still guessed his age within a year but fortunately for him, she was pretty much the only one who didn't comment on his hair's peculiar new hue.
Rebecca T: I waver between being annoyed at Molesley and being bemused by his shenanigans. However, I absolutely adore the way he's so supportive of Baxter. He's sweetest when he's focused solely on how to make someone else's life better.
Jenn N: And I thought I liked Branson's lady friend until she came to dinner. I understand why she has different political views but I feel that the way she discussed them at dinner was antagonistic and extremely impolite.
Rebecca T: Sarah has always rubbed me the wrong way. She's just too abrasive for my taste and for Tom (imo). I agree that her discussion at dinner was very antagonistic, but I also was thinking back to some of the first dinners with Tom - they didn't go a whole lot better. Tom has changed a lot, especially since Sybil's death. And I hope that Sarah shakes him up a little but that it doesn't morph into something more serious.
Jenn N: On to Thomas, yet another episode in which I wish he'd develop some illness that leaves him covered in sores and boils. I understand that Cora is grateful that he rescued Edith from the fire but why don't her and Robert find it peculiar that he is always in just the right place at the right time. Plus they're intelligent people. Why can't they see through his manipulations? Seriously, how is this man still employed?!!
Rebecca T: I agree! I don't understand - after EVERYTHING this man has done - how he has managed to stay on. He's so ... infuriating. And I really want bad things to happen to him. But when I think about how Downton would be without him... well, things would be a lot less interesting, that's for sure.
Jenn N: My favorite plot of the week though was the crazy pants bananas story of Lady Anstruther and Jimmy. Lady Anstruther reminded of a character out of one of my smutty books.
Rebecca T: That was some crazy stuff going on. I was surprised how helpful Thomas was with that whole business, even trying to make sure they didn't get caught. I wonder if they'll replace the footman or cut back the staff and stick with just Mr. Molesley and Thomas?
Rebecca T: I was wondering the same thing. I really think they were setting it up for Daisy to go to Sarah for help. I love Daisy, but I would like to see her get a more focused story line this season. I'd like to see more development of her character.
Jenn N: Ok - my cat Daisy keeps trying to lay on my keyboard. I think she thought I was talking about her and not Daisy the cook, lol.
Rebecca T: One last thing I wanted to add was how interesting I find the shifting roles and how some of the servants are just as uncomfortable as the upper class. Mr. Carson's frustration as to the choice to put him in charge of the memorial instead of Lord Grantham was almost as if not greater than Robert's consternation. And the Dowager countess' machinations to keep Mrs. Crawley away from Lord Merton was pretty entertaining.
We'd love to hear your thoughts on the episode! Do you want Thomas to get boils? Do you think Lady Anstruther will hire James? Will Mary accept Lord Gillingham?
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Laydown Lowdown
Happy New Year everyone! There are a lot of great new books this week to get going on your new reading goals.
If you can't get enough of "Stone Barrington," you're in luck as "Insatiable Appetities," his 32nd adventure by Clive Cussler debuts today. Other new releases in Mystery/Thriller include"Death of a Dishonorable Woman," by Tessa Arlen, "As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust, by Alan Bradley, "Doing the Devil's Work," by Bill Loehfelm and "A Fine Summer's Day," by Charles Todd.
Over in Science Fiction/Fantasy Pierce Brown continues the dystopian adventures of Darrow's in "Golden Son." "Gideon," by Alex Gordon, "Blood Will Follow," by Snorri Kristijansson, and "The Galaxy Game," by Karen Lord are also available today.
"Dead of Winter," by Kresley Cole is released today in Young Adult along with "Ensnared," by A.G. Howard, "All the Bright Places," by Jennifer Niven, and "Firefight," by Brandon Sanderson.
Things in Romance are light this week with just one new title, "Trust No One," by Jayne Ann Krentz.
Will any of these books make your to-read list? Share with us! Happy Reading and remember to support your local bookstores whenever possible.
If you can't get enough of "Stone Barrington," you're in luck as "Insatiable Appetities," his 32nd adventure by Clive Cussler debuts today. Other new releases in Mystery/Thriller include"Death of a Dishonorable Woman," by Tessa Arlen, "As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust, by Alan Bradley, "Doing the Devil's Work," by Bill Loehfelm and "A Fine Summer's Day," by Charles Todd.
Over in Science Fiction/Fantasy Pierce Brown continues the dystopian adventures of Darrow's in "Golden Son." "Gideon," by Alex Gordon, "Blood Will Follow," by Snorri Kristijansson, and "The Galaxy Game," by Karen Lord are also available today.
"Dead of Winter," by Kresley Cole is released today in Young Adult along with "Ensnared," by A.G. Howard, "All the Bright Places," by Jennifer Niven, and "Firefight," by Brandon Sanderson.
Things in Romance are light this week with just one new title, "Trust No One," by Jayne Ann Krentz.
Will any of these books make your to-read list? Share with us! Happy Reading and remember to support your local bookstores whenever possible.
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