Friday, January 30, 2015

The King by Tiffany Reisz

"Cunning. Sex. Pure nerve. Only this unholy threesome can raise him to his rightful place as a ruler of Manhattan's kink kingdom.

Bouncing from bed to bed on the Upper East Side, Kingsley Edge is brilliant, beautiful and utterly debauched. No carnal act or chemical compound can relieve his self-destructive heartache—only Søren, the one person he loves without limit or regret. A man he can never have, but in whose hands Kingsley is reborn to attain even greater heights of sin.

Kingsley's plan to open the ultimate BDSM club—a dungeon playground for New York's A-list—becomes his obsession. His expertise in domination can't subdue the one man who wants to stop him. The enigmatic Reverend Fuller won't rest until King's dream is destroyed, and so the battle lines are set; it's one man's sacred mission against another's…"

It's no secret that I love Tiffany Reisz's work especially her "Original Sinners" series.  In fact, Ms. Reisz has raised the bar in how I judge all my reads; nothing compares to her work.  However, she really outdid herself with this latest entry in the series. 

I read this entire novel with this bizarre blissful look on my face. I know this because my mom interrupted me at one point to ask "what the heck are you reading, you look like you're in a trance." :)  I almost felt like I was in a trance as Tiffany writes so well that you'll feel like your right there in the scene.  

"The King," is the second novel in "The Original Sinners: The White Years," a prequel quartet to "The Original Sinners: The Red Years."  This never felt like a prequel though.  It was a wonderful, fresh story that takes the reader into the heart and mind of Kingsley Edge as he grows to become King of the "8th Circle" that we meet in the first "Original Sinner" novel, "The Siren."  
Kingsley was always my favorite character so I loved that this installment was dedicated to him.  Kingsley is a paradoxal character.  He's dark and strong but also hysterically funny and sensitive.  "The King" does a great job at showing his many layers.

 "The King" also introduces us to new characters, my favorite being Sam; Kingsley assistant and the one woman who is immune to his many charms.  This being an erotic novel though, Kingsley doesn't lack for paramours.  This book is super hot and definitely for adults only.

If you've never read, Tiffany's work, I suggest you start with "The Siren."  "The King" can be read as a stand-alone but I feel it's best enjoyed as part of the series.

For more on Tiffany Reisz, visit her website and look for her novels in bookstores everywhere.

Have you read "The King"?  I'd love to hear your non-spoilery comments below!

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